Health outcomes

Improving the health status of Canadians is an overall health system goal. Health outcomes data tracks improvements to health status, including those that result from health care investments or interventions. Examples include shorter term health outcomes such as survival of a heart attack following in-hospital care or reduced joint pain following knee replacement. Longer term health outcomes include improvements to life expectancy and avoidable deaths. Note that in-hospital deaths are not considered a measurement of health outcomes.

CIHI gathers and analyzes health care data and information so that we can effectively report on health outcomes following care and over the longer term. We also look for opportunities to increase our knowledge and understanding of health outcomes through enhanced availability of relevant data and information. 

Patient-reported outcomes are essential to understanding whether health care services and procedures make a difference to patients’ health status and quality of life. CIHI is working with a broad range of stakeholders to advance a common approach to using patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) across Canada. Exploring patient-reported outcomes and experiences by different socio-demographic variables can uncover gaps in care and inform tailored programs and services to support equitable care. For information on patient experiences, visit our Patient Experience topic page.

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Race-based and Indigenous identity data

Race-based and Indigenous identity data is essential for measuring health inequalities and disparities, and for identifying inequities that stem from racism, bias and discrimination.


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