Rehabilitation: News and podcasts

This page contains media releases, bulletins and podcast episodes about rehabilitation.

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Frailty in Canada — Dr. Marcel Émond

In this episode of the CHIP, guest host Jeanie Lacroix speaks with Dr. Marcel Émond, certified emergency physician at the level-1 trauma centre of the CHU de Québec — Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus, about the risks of frailty.

Becoming the Patient — Dr. Alex Mihailidis

In this English episode of the CHIP, we spoke to Dr. Alex Mihailidis from the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute about his experience recovering from an accident that landed him in his own facility.

Important Information for CCRS, HCRS, IRRS, OMHRS and NRS

Information to help clients prioritize assessment and data submission activities (in long-term care, home care, complex continuing care, inpatient mental health and inpatient rehabilitation settings).

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