National Prescription Drug Utilization Information System

CIHI developed the National Prescription Drug Utilization Information System (NPDUIS) in consultation with the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB).

NPDUIS houses pan-Canadian prescription drug claims-level data, focusing primarily on publicly financed drug benefit programs. The database includes the following:

  • Claims data — Cost and utilization information on prescribed drugs. This information is used to measure and analyze prescription drug use in Canada.
  • Formulary data — Information on which drugs are included in public drug programs in Canada and how they are covered.
  • Drug product information — Used to identify drug products in a standardized format.
  • Plan information — An outline of the administrative policies of public drug plans or programs in Canada.  This information may help explain differences in drug utilization patterns across the country.

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Information on NPDUIS 


Explore the Pharmaceutical Data Tool to access information on public drug program design, payment structures and formularies in Canada. It enables comparable analysis of federal/provincial/territorial programs and drug coverage.

Reports and analyses


Metadata is information about data. It helps users understand and interpret data from a specific source.

Find out more about NPDUIS data:

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